Quick Info Request
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If you prefer, you are also welcome to call Toll Free 1 (866) 688-3088 or send a fax to 254-752-3634 for pricing or any other information.
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Mailing Address
Waco Composites
PO Box 20008
Waco, TX 76702
PO Box 20008
Waco, TX 76702
Shipping Address
Waco Composites
302 S. 27th Street
Waco, TX 76710
302 S. 27th Street
Waco, TX 76710
Key Personnel
Warren Hampton |
Sales Manager |
wchampton@armorcore.com |
Melissa Jones |
Logistics/AR |
mjones@armorcore.com |
Bob Simon |
COO/Engineering & Tech |
bob@vandlmanagement.com |
Matthew McKee |
Plant Engineer |
mmckee@armorcore.com |
Danny Bojorquez |
Production Manager |
dbojorquez@armorcore.com |
Roxanne Del Bosque |
Safety & Environmental Technician |
roxanne@armorcore.com |
Laura Simon |
General Manager |
laura@vandlmanagement.com |
Unique Benefits Of ArmorCore
- Lighter weight than steel
- Easy to install with standard tools
- Effective delay against forced entry
- Low wicking - Np build up of mold
- Non- Toxic Materials
- 1-Hour fire rating (ASTM E119-00)
- Available in size 3' x 8' - 5' x 10'
- Available Levels 1-8 of UL 752
- Storm Protection
- Non-spalling , Non Ricochet
- Does not impede cell signal
- Non-conductive